Giving is a matter of faith and an act of gratitude for God’s work in your life. St Peter believes that all things come from a good and gracious God who is the source of all our ideas, energy, effort, and results. We are all called to put our faith into action and make God’s love real to those in our community. When we choose to participate in God’s work in the world, we do so with our whole selves, including our resources of time, energy, and finances. Generously and joyfully sharing our resources is our response to God’s abundant love and generosity. Putting God first on our calendar and bank statements reflects God’s priority in our lives. We give God our very best, not our leftovers. With a rich tradition of giving beyond our doors, each year St Peter commits to share 10% of member commitments to the global Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We also commit our hungry jar gifts to local needs within our community to address issues of poverty, homelessness, hunger and other local causes.
Stewardship Emphasis & Regular Offering
St. Peter devotes the months of October and November to stewardship. Together, we learn how our gifts nurture and teach faith to children, youth, and adults; strengthen families; confront hunger and homelessness; and develop leaders. All St. Peter ministries are made possible through our annual stewardship initiative. All
are asked to complete a giving plan to inform the church of your gift and to help us plan for how we can share with our community and beyond.
We encourage proportional giving, with each of us giving according to our ability.
"For if the readiness is present, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have."
- 2 Corinthians 18:12
Sharing Your Offering
Thank you for your generosity that supports our ministries here at St. Peter and our mission partners. There are multiple options for sharing your offering.
You can share your offering during in-person worship.
You can mail your check to the church at PO Box 37, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821. If you are a household with giving envelopes, please mail it in that envelope. If you do not have giving envelopes, please contact the church office and we will get envelopes for you.
You can give through Simply Giving, an automated online giving program we have used successfully for years here at St. Peter. An authorization form can be found online here or you can call the church office at (608) 326-6411
You can also set up an offering at your bank using free Bill Pay service to have the bank print and mail your check to the church.

Endowment Gifts
Endowment funds provide additional resources to assist the congregation in its ministry and mission. Endowment gifts are special one-time gifts that come during an individual’s life journey or at the end of life. Some gifts are given with specific intents, and others are shared for congregational leadership to do with as mission needs arise. Some gifts stipulate that only the interest on the amount be used, so the gift keeps
giving year after year. Other gifts allow both the principal and the interest to be used for St. Peter’s mission needs. St. Peter has a strong history of special gifts that have made possible impactful mission in the past and present and that will continue to strengthen it
into the future. If you are interested in a conversation about an endowment gift, please contact Pastor Miranda at stpeterpdcpastormiranda@hotmail.com or by calling the church office at 608-326-6411.
Stewardship 2025
Every good and generous gift is from above, from our creator God. We are created in the image of God. We are therefore created to be generous. It is good for us to give, because we are connecting with who we were created to be.
This season we are responding in gratitude for the many ways we experience God’s Wondrous Love and Care. Households are being encouraged to prayerfully consider growing towards a tithe. Try first fruits proportionate giving– maybe start out with 1% for one month… or 10% for one week. Step out in faith trusting that It Is Good for Us to Give. Let us each grow towards a tithe (or beyond) and grow as joyful givers. Let us pray and reflect on all of the blessings we have received and respond with gratitude together.